अनुदान कार्यक्रम २०७२-२०७३
बार्षिक कार्यक्रम - २०७३/७४
भुक्तानीका लागि प्राप्त विलहरुको सार्वजनिकरण
सुचना अधिकारी
श्री श्याम प्रसाद ढकाल
बरिस्ठ आलुबालि बिकास अधिकृत
मोबाईल : ९८४१३३५६८८
ईमेल :,
+९७७ १ ५५२५५१३
- Downloads
- Yagya Prasad Giri Leaf miner 2016-06-11
- Yagya Gajadhar kgadka Soil Fertility 2016-06-11
- Shyam Prasad Dhakal TPS production 2016-06-11
- Shyam Prasad Dhakal Seed Potato 2016-06-11
- Shambhu Prasad Dhital Microtuber 2016-06-11
- Shambhu Prasad Dhital Bacterial diseases 2016-06-11
- Shambhu Prasad Dhakal TPS technology 2016-06-11
- Shambhu Prasad Dhakal Oppertunity & Challenges 2016-06-11
- Ram Bahadur KC farmer participation 2016-06-11
- Rai and Upadhyay Role of research 2016-06-11
- Pradip Karki Role of technology 2016-06-11
- Parkash Bhattarai Handling and storage 2016-06-11
- Mahendra Jung Thapa Post Harvest 2016-06-11
- Kalika Prasad Upadhyay Cips 2016-06-11
- Janardan Ghimire weed 2016-06-11
- Janardan Ghimire production technology 2016-06-11
- Gajendra Sen Niraula Present status 2016-06-11
- Buddhi Prakash Sharma-Potato food items 2016-06-11
- Buddhi Prakash Sharma Fungal Diseases 2016-06-11
- Buddhi Prakash Sharma- Fungal Diseases -Photogaphs 2016-06-11
- Binod Luitel Varietal research 2016-06-11
- Binesh man sakha pre basic seed production 2016-06-11
- Binesh man sakha Basic seeds from pre-basic 2016-06-11
- Bholaman Singh Basnet Role of Media 2016-06-11